Free Math Resources

Computational Thinking Activities

Computers and computer science are an ever-increasing part of our world. Computational thinking is foundational to these fields; it also supports mathematical process and practice standards. Use the activities below in your classroom to reinforce computational thinking through patterns.

For more information on the webinar connected to this activity, please click here:
Computational Thinking to Strengthen Elementary Mathematics: Decompostition and Algorithmic Thinking

To download these two activities, simply click on the images below!

Simple Steps: Predicting steps in a growing pattern

Predicting Steps In A Growing Pattern


Frieze Frame: Creating rules that relate objects in patterns

Creating Rules That Relate Objects In Patterns


These two activities are from ORIGO’s Algebra for All Series. A set of five books filled with teacher instructions and sequenced algebra activities for Grades 1 to 5.
Learn more click here.

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ORIGO Education has partnered with educators for over 25 years to make math learning meaningful, enjoyable and accessible to all.

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